Porting to Mitsuba 3.6.0

Mitsuba 3.6.0 contains a number of significant changes relative to the prior release, some breaking, that are predominantly driven by the dependence to the new version of Dr.Jit 1.0.0.

This guide is intended to assist users of prior releases of Mitsuba 3 to quickly update their existing codebases to be compatible with Mitsuba 3.6.0 and we further highlight some key changes that are potential pitfalls.

This guide is by no means comprehensive and we direct users to the Dr.Jit documentation that contains several dedicated sections on the design and core features of Dr.Jit 1.0.0 that Mitsuba users will find invaluable. Historically, the Dr.Jit documentation in past releases has been sparse so it’s recommended that even more advanced users begin here.

Symbolic control flow

Symbolic loops in Mitsuba are no longer initialized by constructing a mitsuba.Loop instance. Instead, Dr.Jit 1.0.0 introduces the drjit.syntax() function decorator that allows users to express symbolic loops as if they were immediately-evaluated Python control flow. An example of a simple loop using mitsuba.Loop previously looked like,

import mitsuba as mi

var = mi.Float(32)
rng = mi.PCG32(size=102400)

def foo(var, rng):
  count   = mi.UInt(0)
  loop    = mi.Loop(state=lambda: (var, rng, count))

  while loop(count < 10):
    var     += rng.next_float32()
    count   += 1

  return var, rng

var, rng = foo(var, rng)
var += 1

and porting this to use the drjit.syntax() decorator is relatively straightforward,

import drjit as dr
import mitsuba as mi

var = mi.Float(32)
rng = mi.PCG32(size=102400)

def foo(var, rng):
  count = mi.UInt(0)

  while count < 10:
    var     += rng.next_float32()
    count   += 1

  return var, rng

var, rng = foo(var, rng)
var += 1

Previously when using mitsuba.Loop, it was necessary for the user to determine the loop variables required, which was bug-prone. drjit.syntax() automates this step and internally reexpresses the loop as a drjit.while_loop() call. While the Dr.Jit API reference details how to directly call drjit.while_loop(), users should prefer using drjit.syntax() when porting their existing code.

Prior to Dr.Jit 1.0.0, tracing if-statements containing JIT variables was not possible, and the only alternative was to replace conditionals with masked operations, for example using drjit.select(). As experience has shown, converting conditional code into masked form can be rather tedious and bug-prone.

Therefore, the dr.syntax() annotation additionally handles if-statements analogously to while loops, where internally such statements are reexpressed as drjit.if_stmt() calls. Masked code remains valid but it is often no longer needed.


While changing existing codebases to leverage symbolic if-statements can improve both readability and performance, it’s important to highlight computational differences relative to drjit.select(). As a contrived example consider

x = dr.arange(mi.Float, 5)
y = dr.select(x < 2, 1, 2)

which if we were to unwisely express as an if-statement

# Don't do this!
def bad_code(x : mi.Float):
  out : mi.Float  = mi.Float(0)
  if x < 2:
    out = mi.Float(1)
    out = mi.Float(2)

  return out

x = dr.arange(mi.Float, 5)
y = bad_code()

is not only more cumbersome to write but will also give you worse performance relative to the drjit.select() call. This is because now during evaluation, we have to check the condition, perform a jump to either the true or false branch of the if-statement and then step through the branch to perform the output assignment. In contrast, evaluating a drjit.select() call involves no additonal branching.

The real performance benefit of symbolic if-statements are when you have relatively expensive operations that only need to be computed within a given branch, because unlike drjit.select() calls, computations for both the true or false conditions do not have to be evaluated prior to evaluating the if-statement itself. In other words, you can potentially avoid a lot of expensive, branch-specific computations when the condition for evaluating a particular branch is relatively rare.

Removal of static mi.Transform* functions

In prior releases of Mitsuba 3, the collection of mi.Transform* types could be instatiated via an initial static function call and then subsequent chained instance calls, such as

x = mi.Transform4f.translate([1,2,3]).scale(3.0).rotate([1, 0, 0], 0.5)

However, a common pitfall was that subsequently calling

y = x.scale(3.0)

would in fact call the static function implementation and hence the value of y.matrix would unexpectedly be

[[[3, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 3, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 3, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]]]

rather than applied to the existing transform x.

From Mitsuba 3.6.0 onwards, all mi.Transform* static function have been removed and instead a user can default construct the identity transform before chaining any subsequent transforms

# mi.Transform4f() is the identity transform
x = mi.Transform4f().translate([1,2,3]).scale(3.0).rotate([1, 0, 0], 0.5)

Dr.Jit 1.0.0 includes support for half-precision arrays and tensors, and further extends support for FP16 Dr.Jit textures that are hardware-accelerated on CUDA backends.

From Mitsuba 3.6.0 onwards, bitmap textures initialized from data with bit depth 16 or lower will instantiate an underlying half-precision Dr.Jit texture.


Using spectral Mitsuba variants is an exception to this default behavior, and the underlying storage of the bitmap texture will remain consistent to the variant as with previous versions of Mitsuba 3. This is because here sampling a texture requires spectral upsampling and RGB input data is first converted to their corresponding spectral coefficients.

There may be cases where this default behavior is undesirable. For instance, if a user is performing an iterative optimization of a given bitmap texture, a potential pitfall is highlighted in the following example

import mitsuba as mi
import drjit as dr

# Bit depth of my_image.png is less than 16 so storage of texture is FP16
bitmap = mi.load_dict({
    "type" : "bitmap",
    "filename" : "my_image.png"

params = mi.traverse(bitmap)

# Want to update the associated tensor but using TensorXf (single-precision)
x = dr.ones(mi.TensorXf, shape=(9,10,3))

# Implicit conversion from TensorXf to TensorXf16
params['data'] = x

type(params['data']) # TensorXf16 not TensorXf

The above example is somewhat contrived because in practice, for an optimization, a user would likely initialize their bitmap texture from a tensor and hence the underlying storage precision would be explicitly specified. Regardless, opting out of this default behavior is possible by setting the plugin format parameter to variant

import mitsuba as mi

# Storage precision is consistent with variant specified (i.e. float)
bitmap = mi.load_dict({
    "type" : "bitmap",
    "filename" : "my_image.png"
    "format" : "variant"

params = mi.traverse(bitmap)
type(params['data']) # TensorXf

C++ interface changes

Mitsuba 3.6.0 has also introduced changes that affect C++ developers who have extended Mitsuba 3. As with the Python interface, most of these changes are driven by Dr.Jit 1.0.0 and we again recommend users first begin by reading the Dr.Jit documentation and in particular the dedicated section on the Dr.Jit C++ interface.

Control flow

Analogous to Dr.Jit’s vectorized control flow changes in Python, in C++ drjit.Loop has similarly been removed in Dr.Jit 1.0.0. Here, however there is no equivalent to the Python Dr.Jit function decorator drjit.syntax() that automatically tracks which JIT variables are used by the loop. Instead, users are required to call drjit.while_loop() and, as with past releases, manually specify the loop variables

Float x;
Bool y;

dr::tie(x, y) = dr::while_loop(dr::make_tuple(x, y), /* initial state */
  [](const Float& x, const Bool& y) { return y; },   /* condition     */
  [](Float& x, Bool& y) { ... });                    /* body          */

x += 1;


Expressing a loop with a high number of tracked variables can be cumbersome to write out. However, Dr.Jit 1.0.0 provides the ability to locally define custom traversable data types that can be leveraged to specify the entire loop state

struct LoopState {
  Float foo;
  Float bar;
  Float more;
  Bool active;
} = ls { x1, x2, x3, active };

dr::tie(ls) = dr::while_loop(dr::make_tuple(ls),   /* initial state */
  [](const LoopState& ls) { return ls.active; },   /* condition     */
  [](LoopState& ls) { ... });                      /* body          */

As with the Python interface, the C++ interface similarly exposes support for vectorized conditionals using drjit.if_stmt() and we direct users to the Dr.Jit documentation for further details and example usage.

Removal of dr::eq, dr::neq

Historically, the Dr.Jit functions drjit::eq and drjit::neq performed elementwise comparisons on array types

Float a, b = ... ;
Float res = dr::eq(a, b);

while the operators == and != would implicitly evaluate and reduce the result

bool res = a == b;

Dr.Jit 1.0.0 removes drjit::eq and drjit::neq which are replaced by the overloaded operators == and != respectively. Any reductions now have to be explicitly specified by using the drjit.all() or drjit.any() functions for instance

bool res = dr::all(a == b);

dr::Matrix ordering now row-major

In Dr.Jit 1.0.0, the internal storage of dr::Matrix types has changed from column to row-major ordering. While common matrix operations such as multiplication are unaffected by this change, there is a potential pitfall for existing codebases that read or modify the storage directly, for example

dr::Matrix<Float, 3> m = ...;

// Returned array is now first row, not column!
auto& v = m.entry(0);

Simplified vectorized method getters: dr::set_attr removed

In past Mitsuba releases, defining custom C++ plugins with vectorized getters was bug-prone as developers would be required to additionally remember to call dr::set_attr during initialization

MyPlugin(const Properties &props) : Base(props) {
  m_getter = m_components[0];
  dr::set_attr(this, "getter", m_getter);

which allowed Dr.Jit to perform an optimization during tracing of getters to avoid any actual method calls. Specifically, as getters are read-only and have no side-effects, tracing of such calls can be interpreted as indexing into an array of variables that correspond to the result of each possible instance.

In Dr.Jit 1.0.0, such an optimization remains however developers are no longer required to additionally call dr::set_attr.

// Registered getter as DRJIT_CALL_GETTER
uint32_t Base::getter() const { return m_getter; }

MyPlugin(const Properties &props) : Base(props) {
  m_getter = m_components[0];


  • Dr.Jit v1.0.0 raises the minimum supported LLVM version to 11

  • Rename of function drjit.clamp to drjit.clip()

  • Rename of function drjit.sqr to drjit.square()

  • Rename of function decorator drjit.wrap_ad to drjit.wrap()